As a homeowner, it’s very tempting to undergo your own DIY project to repair or replace your current water heater. However, before you begin working on it, consider the benefits of hiring a professional HVAC replacement service. Experienced and qualified technicians are going to supply you with the best solutions when it comes to the removal and replacement of your existing water heater. Anything can go wrong with a DIY replacement project and you should avoid any potential mishaps if you can.

An HVAC professional will also have access to all the necessary tools and equipment to get the job done. Furthermore, what if you want to replace your outdated system with a solar water heater installed instead? A qualified technician can perform any of the necessary upgrades that you request. They will also ensure that the installation will go according to plan and they will do everything in their power to minimize any mistakes during the process. Hiring a professional and replacing your existing system will benefit you immensely and here’s why:

The Benefits of a New Water Heater

Your current system is old, aging, and outdated. Once your water heater gets to a point where it’s no longer efficient and optimized, then it can become a major nuisance. It’s constantly giving you issues and you are performing multiple repairs every single year. This is a sign that you need to upgrade your existing system. A newer and more modern water heater will supply you with hot water on demand and with minimal error.

A newer system is also going to save you a lot of money. Think about what you are investing in keeping your current system up and running. The repairs are starting to get out of hand and it’s creating a situation that is financially frustrating for you as a homeowner. Furthermore, because of the increased efficiency of a newer water heater, you will likely spend a lot less money on your monthly utility bills. Your water heater alone accounts for around 25% of your monthly utility bills, and with an outdated system, you can end up wasting your money. Why continue to throw away all of your hard-earned money on an inefficient water heater when you can invest in a more efficient and modern model? Even if you have to spend a lot on the initial installation service, you will eventually recoup all of your money via lower monthly utility expenses.

The older units are just not up to par when it comes to performance. Also, when they finally do crap out, you could be faced with an unexpected repair bill because of extensive water damage from your leaky water heater. Also, you don’t want to resort to taking cold showers, do you? We didn’t think so. Hiring an HVAC replacement service will certainly make life a lot easier.

Tankless Water Heaters

Tankless heating systems are becoming the new wave and for several good reasons. First, they take up very minimal space, and they heat your water directly, which ensures that you have access to a virtually endless supply of hot water at all times. They also produce higher flow rates than most electric models and they can heat five gallons of water per minute, making them highly efficient and reliable. We often recommend that you install a tankless system in a household with four or more people to ensure that you have steady access to hot water in every room of your home no matter the time of day.

Also, tankless systems are much more cost-effective and energy-efficient. They require nearly 50% less energy than a traditional storage tank to operate when using natural gas. Your average hot water storage tank contains up to 50 gallons of hot water during the day and even then it will eventually run out and have to fill back up again. With a tankless system, you can depend on there being a continuous supply of hot water.

Greater Efficiency

We cannot stress enough how important it is to install a new water heater that provides optimal efficiency. When your home is running on an outdated system, you are simply throwing away your money. The latest water heaters to emerge recently just keep improving in terms of their efficiency, which means that you are receiving a lot more value from what you initially invest. Just think about all the money you will be saving over time by switching to a much more efficient overall system.

Water Recovery Rate

The water recovery rate is something that we often overlook and it pertains to the speed at which your system will replenish your hot water supply. Storage tanks supply hot water on standby and deliver it immediately. A newer system, however, will make a huge difference in terms of the amount of hot water that you require on-demand. This means that even when two or perhaps three people are showering before you, you can still depend on there being enough hot water for you when it is your turn.

Full-Service Water Heater Replacements

No matter what the job entails, a qualified HVAC repair specialist can handle it. They possess all the training, experience, and knowledge to ensure that the replacement goes according to plan. No matter if they are installing a conventional hot water storage tank or a tankless system – they have got you covered. Most HVAC technicians also know how to perform replacement services for electric and gas models. If your water heater is failing, then there is no question that you should replace it at your earliest convenience.

If you have any questions regarding water heater repair and replacements services, then we encourage you to give us a call! One of our staff members can tell you everything the process entails and provide you with additional information on pricing.