water heater installation

A tankless water heater is a great option for homes that are smaller or just for those who want on demand hot water. There are two types of a tankless water heater and that is electric and gas. The installation is very similar but they do have differences that are noticeable between the cost and the actual process itself. Having something new can be scary, but knowing the ins and outs of the process can help take a lot of the nervousness away and help get you prepared for a smooth installation.

The Cost of Installation

There are different factors that go into the cost of different tankless water heaters. The two main types are gas and electric and because of how the installation differs it will affect how different the price is. The average cost is between $2500 and $4500 for most homeowners with a median cost of around $3000. All of this depends on the equipment you choose, the hourly rate of the installations team, and also any electrical or gas work that will need to be fitted, installed, or fixed.

Electric Tankless Water Heater Installation

One of the first things to do before installing the tankless water heater unit is to prepare for the installation. Work with a professional to determine the proper timeline so you don’t jump in and start ripping out the old unit or the electrical wiring and leave yourself with no hot water for a week. First all of the appropriate circuit breakers and the water supply should be shut off in preparation for the installation. Then the connection to the old water heater is drained and cut and the cover will be taken off. After the old unit is gone and disconnected, the new unit is put in and can either be mounted to the wall or in the wall between studs. Next you will set the water connections as well as the electrical connections and putting the cover back on. After this you can turn the circuit breakers back on and set the controls to your liking. When all is said and done you will be ready to enjoy your new tankless water heater and begin on saving money for your home.

Gas Tankless Water Heater Installation

Working with a gas tankless water heater installation can be dangerous even more so than the electric version. It is always better to lean on a professional for the installation of your gas tankless water heater. The first thing that will be done is upgrading your gas line if necessary. A gas tankless water heater has a higher demand for gas and then line will have to be upgraded by 2 or more sizes. After the gas line work is done, the old water heater tank is taken out. Once you have a clean slate to work with its time to mount the tankless water heater. This can be mounted to the wall or even put in the wall in between studs for maximum space saving perks. After the unit is mounted it is time to install the gas line. This will be the first of a few different lines that will need to be installed because then you will need to work on the water line and then the pressure relief valve. One of the final steps is installing the ventilation system. The vent system is important to get rid of the by products of combustion from your gas tankless water heater. Finally you are ready to turn on the water and enjoy on demand hot water for your entire home! Not only can you enjoy this hot water on demand but you will soon reap the benefits of energy efficiency and money savings!