water heater repair

There are a number of warning signs that your water heater may need service. Notifying your local service department in the event of these problems will allow them to perform necessary repairs. Some common signs your water heater may require service are low flow, slow heating, inaccurate hot water temperature control, and leaks. When these problems occur, most individuals immediately contact their local plumber or repair technician. Here are some tips on water heater repairs in Las Vegas:

– Give us a call. While most plumbers in Vegas charge by the hour, it’s still a good idea to give us a call to see if the damage is indeed extensive or not. We can also tell you how to further prevent future hot water heater repairs or even a replacement.

– Check for leaks. Many times, these leaks can be repaired easily yourself. However, some pipes may need to be completely replaced. Call a licensed plumbing contractor to give us a quote for water heater repairs in Las Vegas. Most plumbers offer free estimates on large jobs like this.

– Check the pilot light. While a gas control valve can often be repaired without any damage, a pilot light is a different story. This is very dangerous as it is designed to constantly regulate the temperature of the surrounding water. A low-pressure pilot light means that the tank holding the hot water is leaking. If you notice a pilot light on, give us a call.

– Replace the tank. While many repair companies will gladly replace the heater with a new one, you may not be able to do this. First, you need to find out the exact make and model of the tank that has the leak so you can have it replaced by a professional.

– Check for leaks in other parts of your water heater. One of the most common places for leaks is in the pipes connecting the hot water tank to the rest of the system. Some leaks are caused by rust build-up, while others are caused by freezing temperatures. Call a plumber to check the pipes for leaks.

– Replace the heating elements. All of the supply pipes to the heating elements should be checked. These may need to be replaced due to age, wear, and tear, or a leak. If the supply pipes to the heating elements are not the source of a leak, you should look at the seals around the pipes to see if they need replacement. Many heating units have plastic seals around the supply lines, so be sure to check yours.

– Sinks and faucets may have sediment buildup. If your tank is leaking, this can cause water pressure to increase causing the appliance to ring. You can check for leaks around the faucet and sink itself. These signs alone may not indicate that your water heater needs to be repaired, but they all share the same warning: your tank may need to be replaced soon.

– Plumbers recommend that you replace heaters. The problem with heaters needing repairs is that they are often overworked and cannot handle the workload that high-capacity heaters put on them. If you find that your water heater is having trouble starting or maintaining an efficient temperature, it may be time to replace it. Your new unit should be able to keep your home warm during the winter months and cool in the summer.

– Water flow in your home could be causing energy bills to spike. You don’t have to go out and purchase a new hot water heater just to save money. Many homes now feature solar water heaters that can heat a tank of water even when you do not use it. The solar panels gather the sun, which then causes electric currents to generate heat. The system works best when there is a lot of sunshine, but even a small amount of sunlight can help heat a tank of water. This makes your home more energy-efficient and can potentially save you a significant amount of money on your electric bill each month.

Although most signs of problems are easily resolved, there are some signs that you should look for that could indicate that a repair service is needed. Heaters that are leaking will often exhibit a variety of symptoms. Water in the tank could be appearing black or cloudy, you may notice a small amount of condensation building up, and you may hear sounds of squeaking plastic moving inside the tank. If any of these signs are experienced, call a professional water heater repair service immediately.

Leaks in your water heater can also occur at any time and without warning. If you notice a small leak, check the pressure relief valve and pipes around the tank. If these pipes are leaking, call a licensed plumbing repair service as soon as possible to avoid damage to your home. Also, drainpipes and hoses may also need to be checked. A professional service will know exactly where to look for these leaks and make sure that they are repaired in order to prevent further damage to your home.