Replace Your Commercial Water Heater

Replacing your commercial water heater comes with a little good and bad. The good news? Installing a newer system will offer you unbelievable efficiency and they can handle a lot of demand. They are designed to supply hot water for hundreds of people in a single building or complex. However, the amount of strain and pressure that every commercial system undergoes will eventually cause a good deal of wear and tear. You are going to have to replace your system at some point, so you might as well plan to do it at a more feasible time.

You should always plan ahead and try to replace your existing system before it experiences a major breakdown. There are plenty of signs that will indicate whether or not it’s time to make a change. Water heater replacement is often a more viable option than repair work.

Low Output

Every time you go to activate your hot water supply, it seems like you run out of hot water immediately. Commercial water heaters should not run out of hot water so quickly – it’s pretty uncommon for something like this to occur. And no one is taking a long shower with a commercial system anyway. Low output can indicate several different issues, and none of them are easily repairable. Depending on the age of your system, years of wear and tear will eventually compromise your water heater’s viability. When you cross that point, then your system simply can’t keep up anymore.

Constant Repairs

How often are you repairing your current system? If issues keep recurring and you find yourself repairing your commercial water heater more than twice a year, then it’s time to make a change. Although most commercial systems are practically indestructible, they will eventually succumb to the effects of age and damage. You should also remember that there’s a big difference between small repairs every few years and multiple major repairs in less than a year. Constantly repairing your commercial hot water heater is a sign that you need to replace it. A new installation will ultimately make life a lot easier for you and your business. Think of it this way: you are going to have to replace your system anyway, so you might as well go about it responsibly.

Old Age

Commercial water heaters, just like any system, are prone to the effects of old age. With regular maintenance and repairs, you are going to prolong the lifespan of your system. However, time is eventually going to catch up with your water heater. At some point, your system won’t be worth keeping around. The average commercial hot water heater will last up to 10-15 years if you undergo regular maintenance and fix your system when necessary. The initial installation of your existing system also has an effect on its long-term performance. Once your commercial water heater crosses that 15-year threshold, then it’s time to replace it without question.

A Leaky System

Leaks are never a fun thing to deal with because if you fail to notice them right away, then they can cause an extensive amount of damage to your commercial property. You likely won’t notice that it’s happening until you undergo maintenance for your system. The cause of the issue is usually due to the metal tank expanding and contracting when it undergoes normal heating cycles. When your system begins to age, the metal tank will begin to crack, thus causing leaks. You will know that you’re system is leaking when you notice water puddling underneath your hot water heater. If this is happening, then it might be time to replace your system altogether.

Rusty Water

Tenants and employees in your building are complaining about rusty water when they go to wash their hands or take a shower. The metal inside your hot water heater and connecting pipes are eventually going to begin rusting. This is a big problem that is often difficult to remedy through normal repairs. We suggest that you replace your system entirely.

When Did You Install Your Hot Water Heater?

This is a question that not many commercial operators can answer. You may need to do a little research to determine the exact age and installation date of your water heater. As we mentioned earlier, the 10-year mark is the best time to decide on replacing your system. At the very least, you should consult a professional plumber to inspect your system to get a better idea of how old it is. They can also recommend different types of water heaters that you can choose to replace your existing system. This includes an electric tankless water heater or 50-gallon water heater replacement.

Your System Is Noisy

Does your water heater make a lot of noise while it’s operating? Well, it shouldn’t be making any noises at all. Once the sound of rumbling begins, then you know that you have a situation on your hands. The cause of the noise is an accumulation of sediment at the bottom of your tank. When the system heats the sediment, it hardens and creates all of those loud noises that you keep hearing. The sediment is making it more difficult for your system to adequately heat up your water supply, which will affect your commercial water heater’s overall efficiency.

Skyrocketing Energy Costs

As a general rule, the technology that’s being produced today adheres to higher energy standards than in the past. When you do decide to install a new system, whether it’s gas-powered or electric, it will consume a lot less energy than your previous system. Your water heater on average accounts for about 17% of your energy consumption, so it plays a major role in your overall consumption.

When you upgrade your commercial system, you are going to notice an immediate reduction in your energy costs. Generally speaking, gas systems are a little more efficient than electric systems, but this shouldn’t limit your option moving forward. Your water heater replacement is certainly going to be a lot more energy-efficient than your current system.

Have any questions about commercial water heaters and when to replace them? Give us a call today and one of our experts will tell you everything you need to know. We are always committed to helping you determine the solutions that are best for you.