demand water heaters

On demand water heaters or tankless water heaters, have become the most popular way to heat the water in your home. There are many options available for your home between different fuel types and different sizes to cater to your homes specific needs. Many homeowners are making the switch from a tank water heaters to tankless water heaters. There are many reasons to make the switch to a tankless water heater and the benefits are unbeatable!

Unlimited Hot Water

One of the biggest reasons many homeowners are making the switch is the unlimited hot water. A traditional hot water heater with a tank keep hot water stored for the moment while these on demand water heaters have hot water in the moment. When a traditional hot water heater runs out of hot water then its done until it can refill, while the tankless option can keep it going.

Energy Efficiency

A great benefit of tankless water heaters is that they are energy efficient. Where the water is heated in the moment instead of on standby you can expect lower energy costs which is not only good for the environment but it will be good to your wallet as well.

Space Saving

With a tank water heater you have a huge drum sitting somewhere in your home taking up valuable space that could be used for other things like storage. WIth an on demand water heater, the unit is mounted to the wall not taking up precious space. In some cases, these units can actually be installed in the wall to save on additional space by putting it between studs.

Longer Lasting

A traditional water heater will last for around 10 years with proper maintenance. With a tankless water heater unit you can expect it to last for 20 years which is double than that of the traditional tank style. Not only will an on demand water heater save money by being energy efficient but you can save money by not having to worry about replacements so often and often times they will stay covered under warranty.

Decreased Risk of Flooding

Not only is there a decreased risk of flooding but there is no risk of flooding. A traditional tank water heater stores water and at any moment could burst or leak and cause a very damaging effect on your home. Not only can this flooding be a huge risk for expensive home repairs but it can also be dangerous for your family. When this water comes out it has the potential to be extremely hot which can cause serious injury. A tankless water heater takes this risk away because there is no storage of water.

Increased Property Value

The tankless water heater will improve your property value for many reasons. With a tankless water heater it creates energy efficiency and can save money. Tankless water heaters can reduce your energy bills and save more than a hundred dollars a year. Another reason homeowners look for these on demand water heaters is because of the lifespan. Not having to replace the water heater so often is a definite perk of buying any home. Tankless water heaters increase property value and homeowners can charge more when they decide to sell because of how popular these heaters are. The upfront cost may seem scary but in the end it is definitely an investment worth making!